2020-05-30T10:58:49+02:00 init twtxt timeline beep beep boop 2020-05-30T11:55:01+02:00 just opened a pr to add personal site, http://travisshears.com , to a webring https://github.com/XXIIVV/webring 2020-05-30T12:16:16+02:00 getting annoying twtxt error 'Config fone not found or not readable', hmmm 2020-05-30T12:31:46+02:00 solved my problem with alias https://travisshears.com/snippets/twtxt-config 2020-05-30T17:36:40+02:00 testing putting my twtxt.txt in s3 2020-05-31T11:14:53+02:00 love the bears https://www.randytarampi.ca/ 2020-05-31T11:16:01+02:00 does file exist perl? https://www.thoughtco.com/telling-if-file-exists-in-perl-2641090 #bookmark 2020-05-31T11:45:25+02:00 i can never remember perl string comparisons https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1175390/how-do-i-compare-two-strings-in-perl #bookmark 2020-05-31T11:59:35+02:00 perl script in the works to handle sync of this twtxt.txt file 2020-05-31T23:37:25+02:00 automatically uploading my twtxt.txt to s3 every 30min via perl, curl, and launchd 2020-06-01T15:35:22+02:00 @github should support webm in comments, much better then gifs 2020-06-01T15:35:54+02:00 hopeful my pr to add reachable sites badge will get approved https://github.com/XXIIVV/webring/pull/406 2020-06-01T20:46:35+02:00 just did my first github 'action'. not quite as comfortable as gitlab ci but pretty good. looking forward to more 2020-06-01T20:47:06+02:00 screen cast in the work demoing how I do my personal site 2020-06-01T20:47:26+02:00 notion, notion, notion a damn good notes app 2020-06-01T20:48:33+02:00 ffmpg never fails me. it can do so much! just did mp4 --> gif for github comment 2020-06-02T09:52:28+02:00 finally documented my personal website! https://travisshears.com/blog/personal-site-walk-through/