Password Login Cooking Note Editor Editing note: ramen Back to note Title Description Slug Markdown Content Ramen has become one of my favorite fall/winter/spring dishes. ## Toppings - [Instant Pot Chashu](/cooking/notes/instant-pot-chashu) - Nori - Ajitama (soft boiled) or Nitamago (hard boiled) Eggs - Aonegi (chopped) or Shiraga Negi (julienned) Green Onions - Garlic, roasted or fried - Sesame Seeds - Bok choy - Moyashi Bean Sprouts - Shiitake Mushrooms - Beni Shōga (Pickled Ginger) - Niku Soboro (Ground Meat) - Fish slices.. Naruto? ## Noodles Packaged noodles Demae Ramen ## Broth - Light Miso - Soy Sauce, Sake, Sugar mix from cooking pork - Grated Ginger - Instant Dachi - Sesame Oil - Chili paste ## Sources - - Tags Save Loading... Image Service Image Alt / Caption / Title Upload