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Living in Europe bagels are a rare sight. Making them at home has brought back many memories.


  • Water, 475ml, warm
  • Yeast, packet
  • Salt, pinch
  • Honey 🍯, shot
  • Flour, 650g, Type 550, add until correct texture


  1. Add shot of honey to warm water mix, then add yeast and let bloom a bit
  2. Add dry ingredients and kneed until smooth ~10min. Adding more flour if needed so the in the end the dough is pretty dry and not very sticky.
  3. Lest rest for an hour or until the dough has doubled in size.
  4. Divide into 12 balls.
  5. Proof balls
  6. Make rings with pretty large holes.
  7. Let the rings proof for half hour on counter.
  8. Proof in bridge overnight.
  9. Boil in honey water 2min perside
  10. Let dry on rack
  11. Egg wash (egg with lil water) and cover with everything (light and dark sesme seeds, poppy seeds)
  12. bake at 215-220C with fan for ~20min / until brown. Take out bit early if freezing.


proofing stack
proofing stack


\- [ breakfast , american ]