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Carbon Steel Pan Care

Carbon steel is intimidating at first.


Just like cast iron I pre heat my carbon steel pans. Few min on 3/10 setting before using.

Preventative Care

  • Don’t dish wash
  • Easy in the scrubbing while cleaning
  • Wipe with thin layer of oil before hanging the pan


I season with Linseed oil and German Brat Oil. Both seem to work and sport higher smoke points the things like olive oil.

I make sure pan is clean, start the heat, and pour in some oil coating the pan. Once everything is nice and hot, I pour out extra oil, and rub the pan clean with wad of paper towel, taking care not to burn my fingers. Then few more minutes on high heat letting it smoke and the seasoning form.

Nuking the seasoning

Sometimes it just needs to be reset. In that case, I wash well with soap and use steel wool, soak in vinegar, and one more time around with the steel wool.

Learned from this video

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