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Gyoza Dumplings



  • 240g flour
  • 150 ml hot water
  • pinch of salt
  • starch for rolling

Mix and let sit on counter for 30min. Then break up and roll out with pasta machine and cut into circles, using starch so it does not stick to itself.


  • 1/2 head of Chinese cabbage
  • salt

Let sit for 15min. Then wring out with kitchen towel.


  • ground pork
  • white pepper
  • minced garlic
  • minced fresh ginger
  • minced scallions
  • 2 teaspoons sugar
  • cabbage


Brown on one side in pan with bit on oil then pour in water and cover. End by taking lid off and let water cook off.

Use non-stick pan like seasoned carbon steal.


\- [ asian , recipe ]