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Homemade noodles

When are friends moved away to Sweden they gifted us a pasta machine. After trying a few recipes, I went with the simple one they included. It was the best.

  • 300g flour (150g 405 mehl and 150g pasta mehl)
  • 2 egg yolks
  • 2 eggs

Add salt and the extra egg whites as desired to achieve the proper dough texture.

Knead ~10min

Form into fat disk at end of kneading then 30min counter time.

To make noodles split the dough into thirds and run though pasta machine. First on the zero setting. Then fold it in half and again on the zero setting. Then through the higher numbers one by one until the desired thickness is reached. Rub with starch to prevent sticking.


pasta machine
pasta machine

pasta dryer
pasta dryer

\- [ recipe , noodles ]