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One of my favorite Russian breakfast foods.



  • 45g 405 flour
  • 30g sugar
  • One egg yolk
  • Bit of vanilla extract
  • 250g Russian quark
  • pinch of salt


  • Smetana, alternatives noted in [[Smetana vs Creme Fraiche vs Sour Cream]]
  • Blackcurrant Jam
  • Berries

TLDR Instructions

#1. Preheat oven to 180 deg C
#2. Cream together quark, flour, sugar, egg yolk, and vanilla in a large bowl.
#3. Knead dough.
#4. Roll dough into cylinder.
#5. Start pan with olive oil on medium heat.
#6. Cut cakes, dip in flour, shape, and place on pan.
#7. Fry until golden brown.
#8. Bake in oven at 180 deg C for 7min.
#9. Serve with Smetana, Jam, and berries.

Long Form Instructions with Pictures

Most important ingredient in quark cakes? Quark. Here in Germany dairy products sold under the name quark are thick yogurts. The Russian style is much dryer and harder. Important for cake making! This recipe calls for the Russian style. Here in Munich it is a available at some normal grocery stores, Kaufland, as well as Russian ones.


Start by adding a that quark along with flour, sugar, egg yolk, and vanilla to a large bowl.

in bowl
in bowl

Then cream it together with a fork. Until the white chunks of quark are fully blended.


Next on a cutting board sprinkled with flour form a dough ball. Employ more of a smashing motion rather then folding to prevent the dough from becoming crumbles.

dough ball
dough ball

After the dough is evenly knead, roll it out to a cylinder ~3cm in diameter. At this point I like to start the pan heating up with olive oil.

dough roll
dough roll

Cut the cylinder into ~1.5cm thick disks. Padding each side in flour so they don't stick, add them to the pan. Taking care to reform them into disks if they get squished.

cutting cakes
cutting cakes

Once they are all in the frying pan add a bit more olive oil and slide them around. Flip each cake once, cooking until golden brown on both sides, and add to baking tray.

added to frying pan
added to frying pan

ready for oven
ready for oven

They go into the oven for 7min at 180deg C.

on baking tray
on baking tray

in oven
in oven

By the end they will have risen slightly and are ready to be taken out.

ready to serve
ready to serve


Time to plate them with and add toppings. Simple.

cakes with toppings
cakes with toppings

close up
close up



Cast Iron is great for cooking Syrniki

cast iron pan
cast iron pan

\- [ recipe , russian ]