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Blini / Crêpe

Whether savory or sweet blini are always delicious!

Old gluten free recipe

Finding a good gluten free recipe has been difficult. Current best is:

  • one/two eggs
  • Schär Farine Mehl
  • corn starch
  • bit of sugar
  • vinilla sugar
  • lots of milk

My wheat recipe

Now that I'm being more relaxed with my gluten allergy I'm following a new recipe:


  • 150g 405 flour
  • 25g sugar
  • Two eggs and one egg yolk
  • 240ml milk
  • ~40g melted butter still hot
  • Shot of vanilla
  • Pinch of salt
  • Shot of liquor, if you are feeling adventurous


  • Mix wet into dry until smooth
  • Pour through metal mesh to remove small chunks
  • Cook on medium high heat
  • Mix batter after every other blini
  • Butter and cover until ready to fill

Dina’s recipe

  • 3 eggs
  • Sugar
  • Salt
  • 2 cups flour
  • Milk to consistency ~2.5 cups Oil

Savoury fillings

  • Spicy ground chicken with creme frisch

Sweet fillings

  • goat / ricotta cheese + berries + honey


\- [ recipe , russian , french ]