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Scallion Oil Noodles

Delicious simple Asian noodle dinner.

TikTok screen shot
TikTok screen shot


  • Cut Scallion / Green Onions into strips, seprating out the white from green.
  • Cut shallots also in strips
  • Add green onion whites, shallots, and fry oil to cold wok
  • Fry for 8 - 10 min
  • Drain onion mix and save the oil
  • Use the oil to shallow fry an egg
  • Use oil along with light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, fish / oyster? Sauce, and sugar to make a sause
  • Boil noodles and add them to sause
  • Plate with sauce + noodes then eggs on top and green unions over everything


Kerek Chen on TikTok

\- [ recipe , asian , noodles ]