dive #: 25

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Cape of Rousoum

|date | 26-05-2022

|max depth | 24.08m

|dive time | 39min

|min temp | 17°C

|location | Alonissos, Greece

Last dive of the trip. Again with the wonderful Triton Dive Center Alonissos.

fins up
fins up

Its a shame we only made four dives. By this one, I was feeling 100%. After descending to ~5m we headed toward a steep wall. Following a shoulder width crack in the ground weaving back and forth I spotted a wrasse. It could have been a fish in my reef tank, for wrasses are popular in the reef aquarium hobby, except for there tendency to jump has prevented my from owning one.


After the shallow section came the wall. The dive guide describe it as sky dive and it did feel like that. My kind of sky dive. Nice and slow with lots of fish.

sky dive
sky dive

Once at depth we explored to the right a bit then turned left to see an overhang.

overhang entrance
overhang entrance

Masha had a borrowed torch. I was camera man. This was our first time using a torch. It was a cool experience.

Besides revealing the sea life in the dark lights divers lights to communicate. A quick flash in the eyes is an easy way to get the attention of another diver at a distance. Another thing on the to buy gear list, 💸.

torch exploration
torch exploration

Light overhead environments like this get me really excited. Overhead being when you can’t swim directly to the surface because you are in a shipwreck, cave, or need to make decompression stops. Light overhead my word for the easier version of that like overhangs, caverns where it is possible to swim more or less up.

They are scary, mysterious, and dark. It’s where scuba comes into a world of it’s own. Anything closer to the surface and not overhanging is possible to access via snorkel / free diving. Here only scuba can take you further.

from overhang looking out
from overhang looking out

This next picture is my favorite of the trip. Seeing Masha in the darkness of the overhang calmly exploring with her torch was amazing. Felt like I was filming a documentary. Moments like this make all the time and money invested into the hobby worth it.


After that we headed back to the ~5m deep area. Oh my the water felt warm up there. A bath.

We took the opportunity to practice deploying that dSMB again. This time it went much smoother. I’m confident in a situation where we have to use it there will be no issues.

headed back
headed back

A smooth day of diving. What a real treat. Looking forward to coming back to Alonissos to explore some of there wrecks.

\- [ deep , boat ]