2 years ago
Concordia Boardgame Review:
After being on my list for a while I finally got the chance to try it at Spielweisen.
Filling out a big map of Europe: building houses in cities, collecting resources, and taking over providences is a common element in complicated German strategy games. Concordia takes this concept and adds a deck building aspect that makes it both more simple and completing. A great game with many things to like.
For me playing on a map of Europe has appeal all its own. Our table got a lot of looks from passerbys. Another draw is the diplomacy card that lets you copy your opponent’s last played card. This keeps things from feeling unfair if they have a good card or took one from the store you wanted to buy. Games not perfect though.
The intermediate scoring was confusing. Rather than wait to the end of the game the rules recommend beginners calculating it several times during play, after tribute cards are played. The first step in the calculation was to sell all resources back to bank??? No thanks. Maybe we got this wrong so we just left scoring to the end. Our next playthrough will be fine since we now understand victory points. Here is to hoping there will be a next time.
Concordia has been added to my wishlist ✅.
After being on my list for a while I finally got the chance to try it at Spielweisen.
Filling out a big map of Europe: building houses in cities, collecting resources, and taking over providences is a common element in complicated German strategy games. Concordia takes this concept and adds a deck building aspect that makes it both more simple and completing. A great game with many things to like.
For me playing on a map of Europe has appeal all its own. Our table got a lot of looks from passerbys. Another draw is the diplomacy card that lets you copy your opponent’s last played card. This keeps things from feeling unfair if they have a good card or took one from the store you wanted to buy. Games not perfect though.
The intermediate scoring was confusing. Rather than wait to the end of the game the rules recommend beginners calculating it several times during play, after tribute cards are played. The first step in the calculation was to sell all resources back to bank??? No thanks. Maybe we got this wrong so we just left scoring to the end. Our next playthrough will be fine since we now understand victory points. Here is to hoping there will be a next time.
Concordia has been added to my wishlist ✅.
2 years ago
Made mussels last night. Been using the same drunken mussels recipe for years now. Thinking of posting in my new recipe section of my personal site. It’s nice to collect the recipes somewhere because other sites go down / drop content. My wife and I lost a delicious Swiss chocolate cake recipe this way.
2 years ago
Played Magic the Gathering today with Masha. First time since I lived in the US ~five years ago. Still an exciting game after all this time!
2 years ago
Back from vacation in Mallorca and Madrid. Preparing dive logs and a blog post.
This is screenshot of editing the first dive recording. Log post live at: https://travisshears.com/diving/dive-log/silleta-south/
This is screenshot of editing the first dive recording. Log post live at: https://travisshears.com/diving/dive-log/silleta-south/
2 years ago
3 years ago
https://climbinggrades.xyz/ lives again! Revived this little web app written in elm.
repo: https://git.sr.ht/~travisshears/climbing-grades
repo: https://git.sr.ht/~travisshears/climbing-grades
3 years ago
Lot of cool "Modern Unix" cli tools, mostly written in Rust, listed here: https://github.com/ibraheemdev/modern-unix
3 years ago
Tracking events set to their backend servers and can't add my own autocompletion.. No go. Had to uninstall.
3 years ago
Love jq but found combining it with less for quickly exploring JSON clumsy. jless to the rescue!
3 years ago
Been trying my hand at PCB etching with mixed success. Looking forward to sharing a working prototype on a diy PCB.
3 years ago
3 years ago
Verdaccio looks interesting. Looking for a reason why I need to run my own NPM repo so I can try it.
3 years ago
The architecture school I went to does an award every few years. One where the winner comes and gives a seminar. This years pick looks interesting.
Ensamble Studio
Ensamble Studio
3 years ago
Trying out new note taking app on my phone. Beta app is pretty polished. So far enjoying it.
3 years ago
With the chip shortage I could not source the ATMega328P (mc used in Arduino Uno) so I’m going straight for some different AVR micro controllers.
3 years ago
Just ordered some AVR micro controllers! Excited to expand on Circuit Python Raspberry PI Pico skills to more bare metal / C.
3 years ago
Broken link oops. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vq968AFgPhg&t=498s
3 years ago
Love the circuit prototyping tips in this video!
"Techniques and Strategies for Building Electronic Circuits"
"Techniques and Strategies for Building Electronic Circuits"
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