4 years ago

@SkinnyFeels Ahh cool thanks for posting. I'll try obsidian.md. Notion is getting to laggy for me. I was using vimwiki and before that org mode. Why do I change every six months.

--->pleroma archive post: domumrphe4cw9p4

4 years ago

So many cli tools have been rewritten in rust and are now easier to use.



--->pleroma archive post: 78bi7herhabe9eh

4 years ago

Finally figured out how to configure launchd to run my folderpics app in the background



--->pleroma archive post: d0r0t5ifvk7l3c3

4 years ago

Ich habe Spuren von Kalkrotalge gefunden!


--->pleroma archive post: eirwzc3hee2nxdb

4 years ago

Ich habe sie bei HP-Aquaristik gekauft. HP ist mein Lieblingsaquaristikladen. Er hat saubere Becken und gesunde Tiere. Der Laden in der Nähe von München, aber sie haben auch einen Online-Shop. https://www.hp-aquaristik.de


--->pleroma archive post: w4p9qqbp33qb36b

4 years ago

Es ist eine Flötenkoralle oder auf Englisch "candy cane coral". Wissenschaftliche Name: Caulastraea furcata. Sie ist einfach, aber weil es eine LPS-Koralle ist, braucht sie gutes Wasser. Alkalinität, Calcium, und Magnesium müssen korrekt sein.

Während der Reinigung / Korallen Vorbereitung, ist die Koralle geplatzt. Ich mache meinen starken Daumen dafür verantwortlich. Das nächste Mal werde ich Werkzeuge benutzen.

Heute haben sich die Polypen geöffnet! Die Koralle ist noch nicht gesund aber, hoffentlich bald.

Mehr Infos gibt es auf https://www.meerwasser-lexikon.de/tiere/680_Caulastraea_furcata.htm#


--->pleroma archive post: 0fm9pbtcbdckhl8

4 years ago

Tidal Gardens hat ein gutes Video über Flötenkoralle.



--->pleroma archive post: gy3odr7r8crnmlk

4 years ago

Meine erste Koralle.


--->pleroma archive post: 055uebzdb2tgtgh

4 years ago

Ich muss mehr Deutsch üben. Leider habe ich nicht so viele Ideen. Posts über mein Riff-Aquarium 🤷‍♂️🐠

--->pleroma archive post: qcycmm4k6gnqvc4

4 years ago

Needed to update a ui-kit npm package at work today and install it on a review app of a separate project. How to get the changes without publishing a new version of the library? It’s a major change that will need tweaking.

Prerelease to the rescue!

Semantic-release supports it by default. I had to do was create and push to branch named beta. Then update the pipeline to also publish on this branch. Boom v3.0.0-beta1. Such a cool feature and saved me hours trying to hack something.



--->pleroma archive post: u5f7wdgmyfbg3g0

4 years ago

Lights ✅.

Two AI Prime 16s.

Install involved borrowing hammer drill from the neighbors to bore into concrete ceiling, fun stuff. Then when I was testing the lights I set one down on the velvet couch not realizing it was on and burnt a series of small holes 😭. Not exactly a smooth process but everything is up and working.

I’m nervous about algae so I’ll be running the lights at low output for 8h a day, scaling things up in the coming weeks. The rock has been in salt water since 26th of December and with fish for over 2 months so I’m confident the initial cycle is complete. Last test 1ppm Nitrate. Cheto in the sump is growing like crazy so levels should stay down. But still, algae will come. Hope the foxface eats most of it.


--->pleroma archive post: jh3a7sdlp24lcej

4 years ago

Been enjoying C++ lately working on few Arduino projects. Now want to try and make a simple text based rouge like with raylib. https://www.raylib.com

Months ago I built a simple roll a ball in unity game. With help of tutorial made free because of pandemic, good move unity. Had this concept for a series of games “5min of fun”. Small games to help learn game programming and challenge myself outside web app I’m always programming at work. Looking to add to that series.


--->pleroma archive post: hjv7jgwmo37fwmr

4 years ago

The reef will soon have light! Ordered two AI Prime 16s with ceiling mounting kits. 💶💶 My bank account hurts but looking forward to first coral soon after.


--->pleroma archive post: j0veqrr95hv5djv

4 years ago

✔ Periodic overview of recently added #ActivityPub projects

Fediverse-Action - post to Fediverse when code on GitHub is changed
YouTube 2 PeerTube - mirror YouTube channels to #PeerTube
gemifedi - Gemini frontend to Fediverse
BirdSiteLIVE - Twitter to ActivityPub bridge
ligh7hau5 - Matrix to Fediverse client / bridge
tootgroup.py - Emulate group accounts on #Mastodon
yt2pt - Set of scripts to quickly import your YouTube channel to PeerTube
corpus-activity-streams - Activity Streams 2.0 vocabulary data and alternative docs

For all tools visit:
- https://fediverse.party/en/tools
- https://git.feneas.org/feneas/fediverse/-/wikis/Watchlist-for-ActivityPub-developer-resources

--->pleroma archive post: c8dbjo7o6b9cuuj

4 years ago

Hiked all around Kofel Sunday looking for the start of a multi-pitch. https://www.bergsteigen.com/touren/klettern/linke-achsel-kofelturm-kofel/. Finally found it on our way back down. Looking forward to trying it next time weather is decent.


--->pleroma archive post: 1wqlozr2kry65na

4 years ago

Don’t really need comments on my personal site but if I did this federated solution looks cool. https://cactus.chat/


--->pleroma archive post: i5zz09enl4kygyz

4 years ago

Major progress on my life clock project. Managed to load 17 years worth of adjectives onto the micro controller.

More on the project after I finished. Documenting progress in a dev log I’ll turn into a blog post then.


--->pleroma archive post: 06u210x1t8ytt80

4 years ago

After more pondering I’ve decided it was the crappy Sera brand heater. It was not heating very well so I cranked it up to max to try and hold near 27-28. I think in the night it managed to hear all the way up to 32 🥵. Already replaced it.

Not sure if I’ll go for another Scopas tang at this point.


--->pleroma archive post: j4bclaurh04zjy0

4 years ago

Unfortunately the Scopas has died. Still figuring out the exact cause. I raised the temperature slowly to 27.5 in order to speed up the ick cycle but other then that no changes, good salinity, no ammonia, little nitrates, decent dkh and ph, enough food.. 🙁

Not sure if I'll try again with another tang right away. Either way I'm going to run the QT tank for a 1.5 weeks at 28 deg with just the cleaner shrimp and snails to git rid of the ick.


--->pleroma archive post: qa8fmk7sg47fs8e

4 years ago

Fun to come back to python's functional programming docs, https://docs.python.org/3/howto/functional.html I had forgot about list comprehension.


--->pleroma archive post: yvuqqm68jf5t9ym

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