4 years ago

@tomdeb I have not. Looks nice. Its architecture page it’s pretty impressive. I think the difference is my setup spins up a real chrome instance for the scraping where I think I this makes the web request directly with python.

If I have a use case that’s does not need JS in the browser to fully render stuff I think I’ll reach for scrapey thanks for the tip.

--->pleroma archive post: 2zdhq2h2yy0v030

4 years ago

Excited to try out new micro controller, Adafruit M0 Express Feather.

Hmm flashing is not working...

30min later wtf..

USB cable I was using was charge only and does not support data transfer. 🤯


--->pleroma archive post: 7l1r1rm40puxw1v

4 years ago

Been web scraping for one of my personal projects. Years ago I used python + beautifulsoup which basically curls the page. This time I’m using python + webdriver. Wow is it nice. Can even scrape client side js rendered pages!


--->pleroma archive post: iyhnjut9i4ujn0p

4 years ago

Scopas tang has ich. 😔. This is why we have quarantine routine. No other fish affected. I’ll start treatment this week with Cupramine if I can find here in DE.

Not sure what to do with the skunk cleaner shrimp and 4 snails 🐌🦐 that are currently in the quarantine tank. Apparently raising temp to 28-29 for a week in tank with no fish will take care of ich traces. So I guess I’ll treat the scopas in a bucket 🪣... not sure yet.


--->pleroma archive post: jh5jy98znce3wtx

4 years ago

My new scopas tang(brown tang) and scarlet skunk cleaner shrimp interacting minutes after entering QT tank.

This was my first time receiving a live fish shipment. So far so good. The poor guy is pretty skinny (common wholesaler practice to minimize ammonia in shipping process). I hope he will eat in the coming days and put on weight. Got the nori and frozen food ready.

Why scopas? At my current display tank size many tangs will outgrow it quickly. Options were yellow tang(250€+ here in DE), bristletooth tangs like yellow eyed kohl tang which are beautiful and fairly priced. Or since I already have yellow fox face but still wanted Zebrasoma, Scopas! So what if he is brown. Still looks cool and will keep algae at bay.


--->pleroma archive post: dge6lo5d9jmbrho

4 years ago

My three blue green chromis finished quarantine yesterday and joined the display tank. Fish 3-5. They are very active swimmers staying in upper 1/4th of the tank.


--->pleroma archive post: 7swd7mx9ob0cys9

4 years ago

Finally hit zero nitrite! The tank seems to be cycled. That or the cheato in the sump is effecting it. Probably should have waited for cycle to complete before setting up refugium.

Nitrate is 1ppm or under and 0 phosphate. On track to buy and turn on lights next month.


--->pleroma archive post: wjdllifdb6jmz5x

4 years ago

Some cool zsh tricks.


I never knew of the take command or parking commands. The article also inspired me to write a small utility to search duckduckgo from the command line.



--->pleroma archive post: 995p75klys4fg4w

4 years ago

Starting to get some algae growing on the rocks next to the refugium chamber in my sump. I think I need to add some sort of hood / dividers.

I’ll blog about the cheto and the refugium when it starts working. Right now half of it died off, which I removed, and nitrite levels are still high. Basic setup is: Kessel H80 LED and some cheto I bought online from reef shop here in Germany.


--->pleroma archive post: ie79quuvz5339l5

4 years ago

Having a lot of luck with tailwindcss for my personal site redesign. It’s not a framework that coddles you like bootstrap. Instead it is a pleasant atomic css abstraction.


--->pleroma archive post: 4nh19j8u1ht8yn3

4 years ago

@peregrine Rough situation. Stay 💪 strong. You got this.

--->pleroma archive post: 77k01cpjyqppm6m

4 years ago

Another nugget from my dive through the SSB docs:

"The ssb protocol was initially implemented in javascript, and it relied heavily on implicit behavior of the node js runtime. People (including the authors of this specification) have called the message format "bizarre" and worse, and that is entirely justified. But when during reading you inevitably think "How could anybody end up with this, I could have done a much better job.", then remember: Maybe you could have, but you didn't."

--->pleroma archive post: ggi6mrtrncbiaqe

4 years ago

Where historical context is lost, digital art seems like it is new, but is impoverished without its original grounding in craft.

--->pleroma archive post: r90egqjbaaupz9j

4 years ago

Added umami tracking to my personal site. I don’t have huge traffic but it was useful to discover people reach my site from the cool merveilles search engine https://lieu.cblgh.org


--->pleroma archive post: 7v5vbduhxhzwv5a

4 years ago

Quarantine is over for my Foxface rabbit fish!

So far he alternates between quivering in the corner and swimming confidently around the tank.


--->pleroma archive post: gpyc7ygm2ztk006

4 years ago

Somebody contributed to one of my random side projects!

He added the Ewbank climbing grade system to my converter site.



--->pleroma archive post: h5u4pwsvifm4rgh

4 years ago

Got three Blue Green Chromis today! Here they are in the quarantine system. So cool to see them scholing. Nothing scholed so much in my freshwater tanks.


--->pleroma archive post: 7yp6f2v5sxc94gc

4 years ago

@kev what a beautiful fish. I’m sure she has a good life under your care. I’ve recently started a reef tank and hope in 8 years I still have some of the original stock.

--->pleroma archive post: g10sousa0h22x5n

4 years ago

Veggie lunch 🥗 for foxface


--->pleroma archive post: gigkzlth9vkzdrh

4 years ago

Like a trip to France without leaving home.



--->pleroma archive post: imf7r7x4j04omta

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