4 years ago
Just finished a backup script to tar the screenshots that pile up on my system. I keep coming back to PERL for tasks like this. Closer to normal programming then BASH but still great shell interlope.
Learned that getting date strings is pretty easy. 🧅⏱👍
use POSIX qw(strftime);
my $tar_name = strftime "pic_dump_%d_%m_%y.tar.gz", localtime;
my $tar_full_path = "/tmp/${tar_name}";
4 years ago
I really want to make an agile poker app using WebRTC.
Something similar to:
#tech #javascript
Something similar to:
#tech #javascript
4 years ago
Little perl script to backup my Apple Photo App library to aws s3 glacier
#tech #perl
#tech #perl
4 years ago
Little perl script to make down scaling, removing audio, and uploading to s3 easier for the short videos I use in my blog.
#perl #tech
#perl #tech
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