Showing posts with webdev hashtag.

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2 months ago

Looking to reduce my server costs; right now I have a bunch of machines running, a VPC instance, and bunch of AWS stuff. Looking at self hosting on a raspberry pi. Was just going to do a simple docker compose with nginx over it and Let’s Encrypt, but dokku looks intriguing:


--->nostr post: c298adc8a35bcf34ccc7c30bbeca15926ea741ff...

2 months ago

Love me some mono space web design.


--->blue sky 3l2tllskeev2s

3 months ago

Tried to use tRPC to communicate between two backend service. Nope.

The appRouter type has to be shared between the projects. Either with some hacky type generation and copy paste or another repo shared repo bringing dependency problems. Just nope. tRPC is not ready for prime time in the use case of backend service communication. Going back to GraphQL or simply REST.


--->nostr post: d6a21e23c3f6b4e8ea2e93931c65d8d7538867a7...

3 months ago

HTMX is the next big thing. Just watch a talk at We Developers Conference and I’m convinced.


--->nostr post: 5ca6da0d1ee5d1b63a74a17fbb0c94abc7c9af24...

3 months ago

Had a friend some years ago who worked for Circle CI. At that time, the main programming language there was Clojure. Always found that cool. Just learned they have switched to Go and TypeScript. 🥲


--->nostr post: 58ff4d13ccae4a06da5322f94f4fca4560918fad...

4 months ago

Looking for a way to stream my Nostr posts to my personal site.


--->nostr post: 8db9f7ca1a29191c4681efa858fd0fb2ff14af82...

4 months ago

Woh this CSS border maker is sick!

--->mastodon, dicecamp 112644718175217526

6 months ago

Next time I open the browser console my work flow is going to be on another level.


--->blue sky 3kqhrtb3gfk2n

7 months ago

Lot of search use cases can be filled by Postgres without jumping to something more complex like OpenSearch or AWS CloudSearch

Currently building search over the entire Joyn asset catalog for an internal tool.


--->blue sky 3kpc5366tsr23

7 months ago

This is the kind of personal project I find inspiring. It’s a super minimal text based sports scores website.


--->blue sky 3kp4yeyojxz2z

7 months ago

Enjoying minimal css frameworks lately:



--->blue sky 3kp4yaomqpy27

7 months ago

Don’t really have a use case, but I really want to try DuckDB. Also exporting Parquet files instead of CSVs or JSON.


--->blue sky 3koy3x4dcoy27

7 months ago

Here is a look at the current iteration of my cooking notes site. It is powered by Deno, Fresh, SonicSearch, NeatCSS, and CouchDB.


--->blue sky 3kot4c3fsme2s

7 months ago

Reading over the BlueSky Docs,, I didn't find a way to stream my posts or get automatic updates like a webhook. There is the firehose, but that is way too many updates.

I'll start with a cron service that hits the getAuthorFeed.


--->blue sky 3kot3xtgnqq2p

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