a month ago

Just bought Machine Impossible. Was between it and CY_BORG for running with a beginner group. With a lighter tone and cheap price tag, through why not.


--->mastodon, dicecamp 113243139387005827

a month ago

Garden knife

--->blue sky 3l557pm5q7p2t

a month ago

Beautiful 70s Sci-fi art.


--->blue sky 3l542vym4wq2f

a month ago

First game of Kelp was fun. I dig how one player is rolling dice and the other is more card and tile focused.


--->mastodon, dicecamp 113204678624553595

a month ago

Saw a dad walking around with his ~8 year old daughter helping her do parkour today. Woh, some of the moves looked tricky. I didn’t know this is father daughter compatible?!? Looking forward to it!


--->nostr post: be78df326bc0776384c3d1a8e7c3173ad7d5b876...

a month ago

Kelp is finally shipping in EU!



--->blue sky 3l4t3ao536a2j

a month ago

I just dabble with writing some homebrew content, but this is good applicable advice.


--->mastodon, dicecamp 113177348585339526

a month ago

This ad for Oktoberfest celebration in GTA is gold. Ha. Crazy how known the event is. As someone who lives in Munich and deals with the yearly influx of drunk people I’m not hyped.

--->blue sky 3l4oriopgnk26

2 months ago

“You only need 25 recipes to be a great cook” -Chris Kimball

I connect with this. As I learn to cook more and get repetition on my favorite recipes, making small tweaks, 25 is a nice goal.

--->mastodon, dicecamp 113148743104230684

2 months ago

I dig quick rendering table libraries like fast-grid. Only problem I face is getting that much data to the browser. Usually there is a complex sql query somewhere in the stack that kills the experience.


--->blue sky 3l47efrom5h2n

2 months ago

ION Heart looks interesting. Still not sure about solo ttrpgs, never tried one.


--->mastodon, dicecamp 113137117182782040

2 months ago

--->nostr post: b65627968de2ce4693f18b2aa67bc3a44141097b...

2 months ago

Using Drizzle ORM. I like the auto generated migration names.



--->blue sky 3l43qiqhtzq2t

2 months ago

Growing my TTRPG book collection. Useing them to create a Viking homebrew based on EZD6.

Cairn and Basic Fantasy RPG have such different concepts of rules lite.

--->mastodon, dicecamp 113123134593373466

2 months ago

--->nostr post: 3efc8883402131f825f98ca49a0d13a75b7372fe...

2 months ago

Nice little tool for building web accessible random generators for your games. I like how it could be a gateway to coding beginners.


--->mastodon, dicecamp 113107419738706323

2 months ago

Started working on a little Viking EZD6 + Shadowdark + Carin hack. Affinity Publisher is pretty rad. I see other people are also using it to create similar content. When I first opened it I was not impressed, but after getting up and rolling it is vary capable.

--->mastodon, dicecamp 113101360248905046

2 months ago

Loving Chili Crisp. I went from seeing it so many recipes and thinking it is probably too hot 🥵 for me, to putting it on everything.


--->blue sky 3l3j7y4bfue2f

2 months ago

Looking to reduce my server costs; right now I have a bunch of fly.io machines running, a VPC instance, and bunch of AWS stuff. Looking at self hosting on a raspberry pi. Was just going to do a simple docker compose with nginx over it and Let’s Encrypt, but dokku looks intriguing:



--->nostr post: c298adc8a35bcf34ccc7c30bbeca15926ea741ff...

2 months ago

Love me some mono space web design.



--->blue sky 3l2tllskeev2s

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