3 years ago
The more I learn about CAN bus the more I want to try it out. Not so much to connect to a car but to connect serval micro-controllers together. I'm thinking about splitting my aquarium controller project up into parts that would communicate over the wire.
3 years ago
Not every day a Hackaday article reaches into my life. We were unable to pay with visa card at a few different shops last month because of this. 💳
3 years ago
Really want to find a use case to try Bubbletea, the Go Lang command line app framework.
3 years ago
3 years ago
Still enjoying umami for tracking on my personal site and oblastle game.
Updating is as easy as going my VPS, pulling the new image, one line change in docker-compose.yml, and docker-compose up -d.
Updating is as easy as going my VPS, pulling the new image, one line change in docker-compose.yml, and docker-compose up -d.
3 years ago
“6 .NET Myths Dispelled”
I’m soled. Looking to use .NET for my next side project.
I’m soled. Looking to use .NET for my next side project.
3 years ago
Solidjs looks well “solid” looking forward to trying it out on the next web app personal project I build.
3 years ago
Got tricky this morning with serverless.yml
diff --git a/serverless.yml b/serverless.yml
index 82fa9e5..ebe568d 100644
--- a/serverless.yml
+++ b/serverless.yml
@@ -29,6 +29,8 @@ provider:
- dynamodb:DeleteItem
- Fn::GetAtt: [ CacheTable, Arn ]
+ - Fn::Sub: '${CacheTable.Arn}/index/*'
In order to give my lambda fn permissions to query an index on the dynamo I had to use a cloud formation 'sub' method.
diff --git a/serverless.yml b/serverless.yml
index 82fa9e5..ebe568d 100644
--- a/serverless.yml
+++ b/serverless.yml
@@ -29,6 +29,8 @@ provider:
- dynamodb:DeleteItem
- Fn::GetAtt: [ CacheTable, Arn ]
+ - Fn::Sub: '${CacheTable.Arn}/index/*'
In order to give my lambda fn permissions to query an index on the dynamo I had to use a cloud formation 'sub' method.
3 years ago
3 years ago
Discovered graphviz today. Super helpful for graphing complex logic flows right from the command line. No GUI!
3 years ago
Do I know how to write cron statements by heart? No. Do I know about https://crontab.guru yes.
3 years ago
Almost ready to put my DIY aquarium controller into use!
code: https://git.sr.ht/~travisshears/sewa-reef-controller
Full blog with pictures and explanation forthcoming.
code: https://git.sr.ht/~travisshears/sewa-reef-controller
Full blog with pictures and explanation forthcoming.
3 years ago
3 years ago
Enjoying app.cloudcraft.co for building AWS diagrams and want the infinite grid but not ready to spring for the paid version 💶. Thank you photo editing skills.
3 years ago
3 years ago
Stumbled across this cool Kubernetes tool. It does more but the development env feature most excites me. Imagine working on a frontend and API code bases locally and having clustered containers automatically get the changes and hot-reload. 🤯. So much less memory and CPU recourses needed locally.
3 years ago
Super cool project that takes pictures of planes as they fly over.
3 years ago
Adding a keep_warm seems to have solved it!
Patch: https://git.sr.ht/~travisshears/ts-micro-blog-backend/commit/31a4f888d810c1b12901117ac94072f9f3cf985e
Patch: https://git.sr.ht/~travisshears/ts-micro-blog-backend/commit/31a4f888d810c1b12901117ac94072f9f3cf985e
3 years ago
Made this new AWS Lambda + DynamoDB solution over top of my Pleroma instance in order to speed up the micro-blog page of my personal site. Surly a quick DynamoDB query will be faster then VPS + Docker + Big Elixir App + Postgres query? Somehow not!?!
10515.3ms response time then the following are quicker. Next step looking into how lambda warmup works, and if the lambda has enough RAM allocated.
code: https://git.sr.ht/~travisshears/ts-micro-blog-backend
micro-blog: https://travisshears.com/micro-blog/
10515.3ms response time then the following are quicker. Next step looking into how lambda warmup works, and if the lambda has enough RAM allocated.
code: https://git.sr.ht/~travisshears/ts-micro-blog-backend
micro-blog: https://travisshears.com/micro-blog/
3 years ago
Just discovered I've been running ten Heroku applications since 2018. Oops.
Hmm that's a lot of wasted electricity 😞. Sorry world.
Hmm that's a lot of wasted electricity 😞. Sorry world.
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